Black Media Congress Berlin 2003 – Black Media “Networking in Europe – 3 – Das Schwarze Deutsche Afrika Medien Netzwerk




Black Media Congress Berlin 2003


“Networking in Europe 

Best Practices between Grassroots and Mainstream”

Heinrich-Boell-StiftungU Train Stop Hackischer MarktRosenthaler Str.40/41 Berlin


Was ist Black Media Kongress? Black Media Kongress ist ein jährlich stattfindendes Event für Professionals, Studenten/innen und Aktivisten/innen afrikanischer Herkunft, um Kontakte und Informationen innerhalb Deutschlands sowie der europäischen Gemeinschaft auszutauschen. Die TeilnehmerInnen bilden das Black Media Network in Anbindung an die Datenbank . 


What is Black Media Congress ? The image of Germany is often portrayed as a homogeneous structure that denies the existence of people of African descent – a minority community that has been long underrepresented historically as well politically.  


Following the portrayal within the German educational establishment this community is a relatively new phenomenon unlike in countries like England, France and the USA, where it makes a visible impact in the cultural industry.

The federal department for political education has finally recognized the absence of representation of people of African descent. Since 2002 it has sponsored three ISD Projects conceptualized & realized by (AFROTAK TV) cyberNomads to help promote and establish documentation and exchange of infotainment within new media structures to self-empower and educate a target group of educators, activists and artists around Germany and the global African Diaspora.


Sponsored by

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung

Heinrich Böll Stiftung Berlin


Support by

ISD Bund e.V. / ISD Berlin e.V.



Concept & Realization by cyberNomads

for programupdates




Black Media Congress



Friday 24 th Oct Opening Reception20.30 h

20.30 Welcome Speech and Opening Reception with BpB, ISD, Heinrich Boell Stiftung, cyberNomads 21.00 Network Cafe and DJ Session with Film screenings

From Friday Oct 25th Media exChangeMarket To Sunday Oct 26th

Registered Individuals, Media Representatives, Companies and NGO´s will be provided with a “Market Stand” to promote their Products and Publications. The stands will be given on a first come basis.

Saturday Oct 25th Press Conference20.00 h

All Guests are asked to meet the Press for interviews. Press Members who publish on BMC are accredited free for the weekend. In return we ask for a copy of the publication for our databank. Press Registration DEADLINE is October 15th.

Saturday Oct 25th Media Lounge Network Party21.00 h

Our DJ will give you the right emotional basis for a nice Saturday evening. The Party is free for registered guests of the BMC and open to the Community and Friends. Featured are films, multimedia products and media publications. ( 5,- Euro)

Friday 24th October Registration19.30 h

The BMC foccuses on media professionals, visual artists, musicians and grassroot activists of African Descent in Germany. The registration covers Drinks, Food, a presentation stand for your products a copy of the BMC 2003 Reader and the Media Lounge Network Party. All participants should have basic knowledge of the conference language English. We hope to give you translations if needed. The first 20 Participants get a maximum of 40 Euro travel support if registered before 3rd of October (Plan&Spar tickets of DB only). (Professionals 20,- / Students 15,- Euro)
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Registration Questionaire

Black Media Congress

Individual / or Organisation: 

Individual’s / Organisation’s address:





Name of delegate:

Male: Female:

Address to send conference documents: 

Special needs (vegetarian, disabilities etc.):

Do you consider yourself to be part of an ethnic minority? No Yes
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Motivations and aims for participating:

Please, describe the work that you are doing and the project you have been involved in.

Which workshop would you like to attend:



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Please, describe in which way you could contribute to the workshops:
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Do you need financial support for travel costs? No Yes

If yes, why?

How much? ( max. 40 Euro if you register before the 3 rd of October 2003 )

Adetoun & Michael Küppers–Adebisi

Project Management/ Editors in Chief

cyberNomads AFROTAK – Die Schwarze Deutsche Datenbank, Netzwerk und Medienkanal


Eberswalder Strasse 4 10437 Berlin
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing Adetoun. Küppers–Adebisi
Fon 0163 258 38 93 E-mail:

Michael. Küppers-Adebisi
 Fon 0177 935 77 23 E-mail:

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